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Automate Motivate Push Notifications

Here is a list of all the push notifications for Automate Motivate!

Alicia Moulton avatar
Written by Alicia Moulton
Updated over a week ago






New Leaderboard Starts

Game on!

You've been entered into a new Leaderboard: {l.Name} - {l.Description}. Compete with your co-workers for the win!


Leaderboard End - achievements pending

Game results are compiling!

The Leaderboard '{l.Name}' has come to an end! Please stay tuned as we compile the results.


Leaderboard End - no achievements pending. 1st - 3rd Place

Game Domination!

Way to go! The Leaderboard '{l.Name}' has completed and you got {AddOrdinal(p.rank)} place! Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Congratulations!


Leaderboard End - no achievements pending. 4th place or below

Game Over!

Way to go! The Leaderboard '{l.Name}' has completed. Unfortunately, you did not win. Look for upcoming Leaderboard opportunities and additional changes to win. Better luck next time!

Inactive Employee

Inactive 3 business days

Did you forget to claim achievements?

We've noticed you haven't logged into AM Rewards in a few days. Don't forget to claim achievements to win mad loot!

Inactive Employee

Inactive 5 business days

Make your boss pay, claim your points!

You work hard, really hard. Login to your AM Rewards app and claim your achievements so you can earn awesome rewards!

Inactive Employee

Inactive 10 business days

Not claiming your points is as smart as a screen door in a submarine…

We've noticed you haven't logged into AM Rewards in 10 plus days. Don’t miss out on all that mad loot!

Inactive Employee

Inactive 20 business days

Hey, do you still work here?? Sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it

It's been a really long time since you've logged into AM Rewards...Log in soon to keep your account active!

Employee Recognition


Happy Birthday from {CompanyName}!

{Custom Message}

Employee Recognition

Wedding Anniversary

Happy Anniversary from {CompanyName}!

{Custom Message}

Employee Recognition

Work Anniversary

Happy Work Anniversary from {CompanyName}!

{Custom Message}


Notify other's on team that employee claimed that loot


{personWhoClaimed.FirstName} {personWhoClaimed.LastName} just claimed {LootName}


Loot was denied by admin

Loot Denied

Your loot \"{LootName}\" was been denied due to: \"{ReasonForDenial}\"


New Achievement Created


New Achievement Added: {AchievementName}


Achievement Approved

Achievement Approved

Awesome News! Your achievement {AchievementName} has been approved! {pointValue}xp has been added.


Sends Team Members that someone's achievement moved them up on the leaderboard

You're competition is moving up!

{FirstName} {LastName} has completed an achievement on {Name} leaderboard


Achievement Denied

Achievement Denied

Your achievement \"{AchievementName}\" was been denied because \"{.ReasonForDenial}\"


New training Added

New Training Added!

A new training {TrainingName} has been added! Go check it out!


Training Denied

Training Denied

Your training \"{TrainingName}\" was been denied because \"{ReasonForDenial}\"


Training Approved

Training Approved

Guess what!? Your training {TrainingName} has been approved! {pointValue}xp has been added.

Manual Points

Admin adds points

XP Added!

Your employer has added {numberPoints} XP to your account. Reason: \"{reason}\"

Manual Points

Admin Removes points

XP Removed!

Your employer has removed {numberPoints} XP from your account. Reason: \"{reason}\"

Manual Notification

Admin uses system to send manual notification

{Custom Message}

{Custom Message}

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